Game Interface: Energy Manager


The Energy Manager is located along the top of your game screen. It tracks your Host Station's energy absorption rate and its life energy. Without an adequate energy absorption rate, you will soon deplete your Host Station's life energy. Without any life energy, your Host Station will perish and your game is over.

The Energy Manager also lists the amount of energy units you have available to create vehicles and buildings and to beam your Host Station. Without adequate creation or beam energy, you will not be able to engage in these activities.

All three energy reservoirs will try to equalize in an effort to distribute energy among themselves evenly. You can override this balance by locking the Creation Energy, Beam Energy, or Host Station Life Energy reservoir, giving you greater resource control.

For further information see, Strategies: Acquiring Energy and Strategies: Resource Management.

Click the following graphic for information on each item.

Absorption Rate
Tracks your Host Station's energy absorption rate. Beam your Host Station next to a power station and conquer the surrounding sectors to markedly increase your energy absorption rate. The number on the left indicates the amount of energy units you are acquiring every 20 seconds. The number to the right indicates the percentage rate at which your host Station is absorbing energy. For example, if your energy absorption rate is at 100%, your Host Station is absorbing the optimal amount of energy possible.

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Host Station Life Energy
Indicates the life energy of your Host Station. If the battery level reaches 0, its energy is depleted—and your Host Station is destroyed. Monitor the Host Station Life Energy reservoir carefully, especially when your Host Station is under heavy attack.

lock this reservoir and prevent it from filling, click the Host Station Life Energy icon. A red "X" over the icon indicates that the reservoir is locked.

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Creation Energy
Indicates the amount of energy units you have to create new vehicles and buildings.

lock this reservoir and prevent it from filling, click the Creation Energy icon. A red "X" over the icon indicates that the reservoir is locked. Energy that would ordinarily go into this reservoir will then equalize between the Host Station Life Energy and Beam Energy reservoirs—particularly useful if you need more beam energy.

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Beam Energy
Indicates the amount of energy units you have to beam your Host Station.

lock this reservoir and prevent it from filling, click the Beam Energy icon. A red "X" over the icon indicates that the reservoir is locked. Energy that would ordinarily go into this reservoir will then equalize between the Host Station Life Energy and Creation Energy reservoirs—particularly useful if you need more creation energy.

In the preceding graphic, the Beam Energy reservoir is locked, as indicated by the red "X." Energy units that would ordinarily fill this reservoir are now filling the Creation Energy and Host Station Life Energy reservoirs. Click the Beam Energy icon again to unlock it.

Note that beaming your Host Station to a conquered power station is free and will not drain the Beam Energy reservoir.

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